Wednesday, March 16, 2011

101. Bremer Bay - Albany


The wind was howling from the south east as it had been for several weeks; fortunately Bremer Bay has several bays & inlets that face various directions. We toured about town & found this secluded bay that was sheltered & provided a fine place for an afternoon swim.


The Black Bream are a feature of the river systems of the south west of WA. ‘Breaming’; as it is known is a quiet pastime that requires in the first instance fresh bait, the correct rig, picking the right spot & a little skill. We caught these beauties in about one meter of water. They bite well when they make the commitment, put up a terrific fight for their weight. They are a known table fish in these parts & I hope to be able to spend some more time on the water to target this species. Matt is only new to ‘breaming’ & did a great job both catching & landing these feisty fellas.


We moved ever westward & had to stop in Albany. This is an historical town, its heritage being the major town for whaling which took place up until the early seventies. The shark cage was used to protect divers that would inspect the oil lines that ran from the boats to the processing station. With all the whale oil lingering in the bay it was common for hundreds of Great Whites to frequent these waters.